Naturist, Red in Tooth & Claw
Naturist, Red in
Tooth and Claw
Stuart Pitsligo
All rights reserved. This book may not be reproduced in any form, in whole or in part, without written permission from the author.
Chapter 1
The two piercing grey eyes stared out of the undergrowth at the pile of clothes the couple had left behind on the deserted beach as they ran naked towards the sea. The primitive mind behind the eyes tried to work out where the food it sensed had gone. The couple, oblivious to the creature, continued running to the sea, where they splashed and frolicked in the surf as the creature, its mind still confused by the disappearance of the food, continued to stare at the clothes, ignoring the happy sounds of the couple in the distance. When they returned from the water, the creature gave them the briefest of glances before ignoring them. Even when the couple began to make love on the beach, the creature continued to ignore them, even their screams of orgasm echoing off the cliffs around the empty beach failed to get its attention. Still it just stared at the clothes, lying in a heap just a few metres in front of him.
The woman stood up, brushing the sand off her naked body and shaking it from her hair. She walked towards the pile of clothes and for a moment the creature thought he sensed food, but the feeling was gone the moment she walked past them. She stopped at the edge of the undergrowth, sitting down and reaching into her rucksack for something to eat. Still the creature didn't sense any food.
Now the man stood up and walked towards the clothes, but he stopped when he reached them. The creature tensed slightly, feeling as if something in his mind was finally making sense and that his hunger may soon be fed. As the man picked up his t-shirt from the ground every muscle in the creature's body tensed. When the man put the t-shirt on over his head, the full fury of the creature was let loose. It leapt from the undergrowth and hit the man with the full force of it body, knocking him to the ground. Within seconds the creature began to tear through the t-shirt, ripping the flesh from the man's shoulders with its teeth and crunching through the bones. The woman screamed and ran, diving into the undergrowth to escape. Her still naked body was scratched all over from the thorns in the undergrowth, but fear drove her deeper and deeper into it. She found the deepest, thickest part of the undergrowth, curled up into a ball and tried not to scream.
She heard the last muffled yells of agony coming from the man, but then they were silenced by the sound of cracking bones. She began to shake violently on the ground, silent tears pouring from her eyes as she lay, helpless, naked and alone in this wilderness that had so seemed like a paradise to her. All she could hear was the tranquil sound of the waves breaking against the shore and the violent sound of tearing flesh as the creature continued to feed on the man she had been so in love with. When the sound of the feeding stopped a new wave of panic rose in her, a sudden feeling that she was next.
Survival instincts kicked in for her and she knew she had to get away or she would die here. She slowly began to move, at first away from the beach, but she knew that she'd not get far. It was a long hike over rough ground and right now she was naked, and without food or water. At the very least she had to get her boots, that way she'd move much faster and be able to try and outrun anything that came at her.
She circled back, crawling slowly, trying not to scream or yell when some other plant or thorn tore at her skin. Eventually she reached the edge of the undergrowth, but the creature was gone and all that was left was the body of the man, the top half almost completely destroyed, the bottom half untouched. Grief overtook her and she ran out and knelt by what was left of his body, crying uncontrollably with desperation, fear and grief. She lay down beside what has left of him and gave in completely to the emotion. For over an hour she lay there, alone on the beach, beside the remains of everything that had been important to her. For an hour she cried, oblivious to her surroundings, almost hoping for death, but it never came.
In time, she knew she had to move. There was no sign of the creature other than blood stains going back into the undergrowth, but she didn't want to risk it still being in the area. She reached over the the man's rucksack and pulled out his jacket. She laid it over the remains of his body and softly kissed his foot. She paused for a second, trying to control her emotions before finding her strength to move on.
Somewhere, not far away, the creature's head snapped round. It had heard, or smelt something familiar, something that said there was more food back there. It started back, moving silently through the undergrowth, back to the woman.
The first thing the woman put on was her boots. As she did up the second boot lace she suddenly felt more relaxed. Although still otherwise naked, she knew that if anything happened now she could move fast, very fast over any terrain if she needed to escape. She grabbed her top next, quickly pulling it over her head. Sitting down she pulled her shorts on, the wide legs easily fitting over the boots. Then she grabbed her rucksack and rummaged through it, checking for food and water.
Then from the bushes, she suddenly heard a twig snap and her heart sank. She slowly looked up to the bushes and a pair of piercing grey eyes met hers. The creature lunged towards her, knocking her to the ground before thundering past her to the remains of the man. It sniffed the remains under the jacket and began to devour what was left of the man. Again she dived into the undergrowth, hoping to escape again, but this time the creature followed her. It pursued her as she ran, but she was never going to get away. The creature caught her, leaping on her back and bringing her down. It ripped through her shorts and tore the flesh away underneath, snapping her pelvis in two with its strong hands. She died screaming, terrified and in agony as the creature eviscerated her, tearing her abdomen open and smashing her rib cage. Within minutes it had devoured almost all of her, with just her legs and head remaining.
The creature stood up. It still felt hungry, but there was no food for it. It slowly walked up through a path in the undergrowth towards the top of the cliffs that surrounded the beach were it emerged onto a wilderness of peat bog and moorland. A herd of nearby deer cautiously eyed the creature, but they were safe, the creature had no interest in them.
The creature sniffed the air. Something in its mind told it to move inland, it sensed food, but it was vague, elusive and far from here. It emitted a long, deep wailing sound, startling the deer, which ran off towards the nearby hills. Somewhere in the distance the wailing sound was answered. The creature was calling across the water for more of its kind to join it.
Chapter 2
John's alarm went off at 7am. Immediately switching it off, he slowly hauled his body out of the bed, pulling his dressing gown over his pyjamas as he stood up. He slowly staggered to the door, stretching as he went and wincing as the sudden burst of sunlight hit his face as he passed the window. Stopping only briefly in the kitchen to start up the coffee maker, he headed straight to the bathroom and despite living alone, he locked the door behind him. Somehow it just wasn't right to him to leave the door unlocked.
Safely locked behind the door, he let his dressing gown fall to the floor and then, as the shower warmed up, he removed his pyjamas. Standing naked by the shower always seemed like a guilty pleasure to him. It always seemed so exciting, almost naughty to just stand there naked. But once he was in the shower, being naked suddenly had its reason and everything was normal again, at least as long as the door remained locked.
He emerged a few minutes later, drying himself quickly before wrapping a towel round his body to walk back to the bedroom. As he entered his bedroom and closed the door, he nervously let his towel fall to the floor before running across to her wardrobe to grab his clothes. For him this was pretty daring and
his heart quickened as he saw his naked body in the mirror in front of him. He knew he didn't have a bad body, in fact he had quite a good one given how often he went to the gym, but he was awkward about anyone seeing it, even himself.
As he pulled a t-shirt over his head he felt a tinge of anger in himself that he was relieved to get dressed. He wanted to be as liberated as some of his friends, but it just never felt right. Oh well, maybe this trip would be the thing to liberate him. If he couldn't relax during a week camping in the mountains with his friends, when could he relax? Pulling his trousers on, he resolved to make an effort to be more relaxed and adventurous for the coming week and to at least try and throw caution to the wind.
Annie had been awake since before 7am. The sun was streaming through her window right into her face and even with the naked body of Chris, her sleeping boyfriend to cuddle against, she decided to get up before her alarm went off. She shared none of John's inhibitions and stood naked at the window, letting the heat of the sun wash over her body. Its warmth against her skin was heavenly, and she lingered for a few seconds before she even cared that anyone in the street at this time in the morning might see her. Opening her eyes, she saw that the street was deserted, and feeling both relieved and slightly disappointed, she turned and walked out the room to the kitchen.
She knew that breakfast would wake her up and bring her slowly to life. For Annie, the smell of freshly brewing coffee and sound of sizzling eggs in the frying pan was always a good way to start the day, more so for a day that was going to be as demanding as this one. Standing over the eggs in the frying pan, she inhaled deeply, letting the aroma of breakfast fill her.
Without warning two arms gently embraced her from behind. She felt a nuzzling against her neck and the warmth of her boyfriend’s naked body against her. Turning to face him she wrapped her arms around him and kissed him passionately.
“Mmmmm….someone’s wide awake this morning” she said glancing down with a wry smile on her face, “but we don’t have time for any of that this morning, John’s waiting for us.”
“Maybe tonight then” replied Chris with a smile, as he hugged her closer. They may not have had the time to make love, but he wasn’t going to miss a chance to hug her. He stood behind her as she made the breakfast, with his arms wrapped around her and his head resting in her shoulder. Although he got in the way a little, Annie didn’t mind. Being held by Chris could never be a bad thing.
John glanced at his list and then down to the floor. He was pretty sure he’d packed everything on the list, but he hated the though of missing anything. He’d never gone camping before and was terrified something would go wrong or that he’d forget something important. He checked the tent, then his sleeping bag and mat. The cooking gear and food was there, as was the water filter and torch. A few changes of clothes, a pair of swimming shorts and a towel were there too, along with his toothbrush.
He packed them all one at a time into his rucksack, squeezing the last items of clothing in before pulling the draw cord tight and closing the flap. All that was left was to pull his boots on and he was ready for anything.
The eggs were eaten, the coffee was drunk, and Annie couldn’t be more satisfied. She lay on her back along the seat of the breakfast bar, her head hung upside down off the edge of it and it was with this upside down view that she looked across the kitchen at Chris as he cleared up.
He looked back at her with a grin he didn’t even try to hide. She was the most amazing woman he had ever met and he loved her to bits for it. He loved her unpredictability, her love for wild and crazy adventures and her never ending ability to surprise him. She was the first woman he’d met who could keep up with him at the things he loved doing and this made them inseparable.
Annie grinned back at him. She loved the fact he always took care of her. He was the most devoted lover she’d ever known and he was the only man who had kept up with her, both in and out of the bedroom. He was one of the few men she knew who wasn’t intimidated by a woman as strong as she was, and he gave her the space to be herself, something no man had ever given her before.
When breakfast was over, Annie headed to the shower, where she lingered for a long time, letting the hot water flow over her skin before switching it suddenly to cold and yelping with the sudden icy jet that hit her. Standing in the freezing water she sucked up the pain until she could take it no more before quickly switching the water back to as hot as she could handle. She repeated this a few times until her skin was glowing red before turning it off and stepping out of the shower.
Modesty wasn't something Annie suffered from and she didn't get dressed until she was almost ready to leave. In shorts, a low cut top and hiking boots she grabbed her rucksack as she headed out the door to her car where Chris was waiting for her.
She smiled at him. “Its going to be some week, isn’t it?”
“Oh yes”, he replied as he got behind the wheel of the car, “its John I’m worried about though. Have you told him what to expect with Heather?”
“Not a thing” replied Annie, “but that might not be so bad. Heather could be just what he needs to loosen him up a bit.”
A nervous look came across Chris’s face as he pulled out of the driveway.
“Sorry we’re late” said Annie out the window as John approached the car, “we slept in.”
“Yeah right, I’ve heard that one before from you two” said John smiling and looking straight at Chris. “So who is this friend of yours?” John asked as he climbed into the car.
“Oh, just an old friend.” Annie replied with a gleam in her eye and a hint of a smile. “We'll be leaving the car at her place, she lives in a little cottage up in the mountains where we're heading.”
“What's she like?” asked John, noticing the gleam in Annie's eye.
“Heather? She's nuts” was Annie's reply. “Just the type of person you need to hang out with more. She'll soon shake those inhibitions out of you!”
“What about her cousin?” said John in an attempt to change the conversation. “Isn't she coming as well?”
“She'll be arriving tomorrow, with her boyfriend” said Anne, “they're all right, you'll like them.”
“So Heather, she lives out in the country?” asked John.
“The country? She lives in the middle of one of the remotest part of the Scottish highlands, about four hours drive away in the middle of nowhere, stuck on the side of a mountain. The nearest neighbour is about five miles away. Its just her and the land she lives on. She grows all her own food up there, she claims to be almost entirely self sufficient.”
“So she's a bit of a nature girl then?”
Annie laughed. “You have no idea what you're in for!”
They drove for hours, and as each minute passed, civilization seemed to recede away from them. The roads became narrower and quieter. Wild animals and birds of prey became more common by the side of the road and the land became first rolling hillside and then an untamed mountain wilderness. They passed forests and fields, rivers and bog land, and all the time the hot sun baked their car. The heat seemed to become more intolerable the more they drove and the sweat was pouring off them.
It was after lunchtime when they arrived at Heather's house. It was at the end of a narrow winding road along a long glen that led off to wild and remote areas, with no roads and only rough paths to follow. There was wildlife everywhere, with birds soaring overhead and herds of deer scattered across the surrounding mountainside.
Getting out the car was delightful. They left the stifling heat of it behind and embraced a cooling breeze that chilled the sweat on their clothes and brought a beautiful sense of relief from the hot, sticky air of the car.
John had never seen anywhere quite like it. The cottage was a small one, it had just one floor and the windows looked old fashioned and single glazed. To one side of it there was what appeared to be some kind of vegetable garden surrounded by fencing and beyond it the ground sloped away to a loch in the distance. As they walked
towards the stone cottage he was starting to wonder what kind of crazy and weird woman Heather was going to turn out to be.
When the door opened as they approached it he expected the worse, but nothing could have prepared him for what he saw standing framed in the doorway. Before him stood the most beautiful woman John had ever seen. She was tall and slim, with long flowing locks of red hair. On her face she wore a smile that could warm even the coldest of hearts and her sparkling green eyes were as radiant as the dawn.
And she was completely naked.
Chapter 3
John's jaw almost hit the floor when he saw Heather. He was amazed by her openness, and stunned by her beauty. Heather seemed totally relaxed, just standing there naked as if nothing was wrong and neither Annie nor Chris seemed in the least surprised. Quite the opposite in fact, as Annie walked straight up to Heather and gave her a great big hug.
“Its so good to see you” said Heather as she held Annie tightly before releasing her.